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Contagion (2011) Central Elementary School

View on map:42.076878°N 87.701502°W


Central Elementary School
42.076549°N 87.701840°W

Outside the school

Central Elementary School
42.076843°N 87.701513°W

Matt Damon walks into the school.

The Central Elementary School scenes with Matt Damon's step son.


A montage of six characters, each with a different response, mostly related to the pandemic.

Contagion is a 2011 medical thriller disaster film. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the film features an ensemble cast that includes Marion Cotillard, Bryan Cranston, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, and Jennifer Ehle. Contagion's plot documents the spread of a virus transmitted by fomites, attempts by medical researchers and public health officials to identify and contain the disease, the loss of social order in a pandemic, and finally the introduction of a vaccine to halt its spread. The film makes use of a "hyperlink narrative" style popularized in several of Soderbergh's other films to follow several interacting plot lines.


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