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Changeling (2008) county hospital

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They take Jolie to the psyche ward of what is called Los Angeles County Hospital here.  It is building that they made look like a hospital for the movie.  


On a white background, the top left of the poster is dominated by a woman's head looking down on a much smaller silhouette of a child in the bottom right corner. The woman is pale with prominent red lips and is wearing a brown cloche hat. Across the top of the poster are the names "Angelina Jolie" and "John Malkovich" in uppercase white. Adjacent to the child is the title, "Changeling" in uppercase black. Above are the words, "A true story" in uppercase red. Underneath is the tagline, in uppercase black: "To find her son, she did what no-one else dared."

Changeling is a 2008 American drama film, written by J. Michael Straczynski and directed, co-produced and scored by Clint Eastwood, that explores child endangerment, female disempowerment, political corruption and the repercussions of violence. Based partly on real-life events – the 1928 "Wineville Chicken Coop" kidnapping and murder case in Los Angeles, California – the film stars Angelina Jolie as a woman who is reunited with her missing son only to realize he is an impostor. When she tries to demonstrate this to the police and city authorities, she is vilified as delusional and an unfit mother.


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