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La Malinche volcano

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La Malinche (volcano)

La Malinche (volcano)

La Malinche mountain, also known as Matlalcuéyetl, Matlalcueitl or Malintzin, is an inactive volcano (dormant for the last 3,100 years) located in Tlaxcala and Puebla states, in Mexico. Officially, its summit reaches 4,461 metres (14,636 ft) above sea level, though in some articles it is considered to be 4,503 m (as measured by GPS). Its height makes it the highest peak in Tlaxcala, the fifth highest in Puebla, the sixth highest in Mexico, and the 252nd highest in the world. Its height above nearby cities varies from 1,908 metres above Huamantla, 2461 metres above Villa Vicente Guerrero, 2,221 metres above Tlaxcala to 2,299 metres above Puebla. The summit is 22.4 km from Tlaxcala, 28.3 km from Puebla, and 118 km from Mexico City. The climate is cold on the summit and mild on its lower slopes.


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