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An Officer and a Gentleman (1982) town tavern

View on map:48.115207°N 122.754255°W


The town tavern here was used for interiors of the bar (has been remodeled since the movie) and where Richard Gere as Aviation Officer Candidate Zack Mayo uses his marshal arts (south side). 


An Officer and a Gentleman
An Officer and a Gentleman is a 1982 American romantic drama film[4] starring Richard Gere, Debra Winger, and Louis Gossett Jr., who won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for the film, making him the first African American male to do so. It tells the story of Zack Mayo (Gere), a United States Navy Aviation Officer Candidate who is beginning his training at Aviation Officer Candidate School. While Zack meets his first true girlfriend during his training, a young "townie" named Paula (Winger), he also comes into conflict with the hard-driving Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant Emil Foley (Gossett Jr.) training his class.


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