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Yusupov Palace (Crimea) by Nikolay Krasnov

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Yusupov Palace (Crimea)

The Yusupov Palace (Ukrainian: Юсуповський палац; Russian: Юсуповский дворец) is a palace located in the town of Koreiz, near Yalta in Crimea. It was built for Prince Felix Yusupov-Soumorokov-Elston, father of Prince Felix Yusupov (1887–1967) in 1909 by Nikolay Krasnov, the architect responsible for the imperial Livadia Palace in nearby Yalta. The palace, whose style may be described as Renaissance Revival and Roman Revival, boasts a romantic park with exotic plants and a wine cellar founded by Prince Lev Galitzine in the 19th century.


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