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Sloan's Bridge sediments

View on map:47.496226°N 114.319155°W


The sediments deposited by ancient Lake Missoula can be found here displayed as white bluffs. No gaps in  the sediments mean there was not much time geologically speaking for the deposits to be formed.


Missoula floods

The Missoula floods (also known as the Spokane floods or the Bretz floods or Bretz's floods) were cataclysmic glacial lake outburst floods that swept periodically across eastern Washington and down the Columbia River Gorge at the end of the last ice age. These events have been researched since the 1920s. These were the result of periodic sudden ruptures of the ice dam on the Clark Fork River that created Glacial Lake Missoula. After each ice dam rupture, the waters of the lake would rush down the Clark Fork and the Columbia River, flooding much of eastern Washington and the Willamette Valley in western Oregon. After the rupture, the ice would reform, creating Glacial Lake Missoula again.


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