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Kudremukh National Park

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Kudremukh National Park

Kudremukh National Park

Kudremukh (Kannada: ಕುದುರೆಮುಖ) also spelled Kuduremukha is a mountain range in Chikkamagaluru district, in Karnataka, India. It is also the name of a small hill station town situated near the mountain, about 48 kilometres from Karkala and about 20 kilometres from Kalasa. The name Kuduremukha (as it is known by the locals) literally means 'horse-face' (in the local language Kannada) and refers to a particular picturesque view of a side of the mountain that resembles a horse's face. It was also referred to as 'Samseparvata', historically since it was approached from Samse village. The nearest airport is Mangalore International Airport at Mangalore which is at distance of 130 Kilometres.


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