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May 1968 protests in France

View on map:48.848539°N 2.342828°E


The location is the Sorbonne where many of the early protests took place in the Latin Quarter of Paris.


May 1968 protests in France

The May 1968 protests were significant in French history for involving the first wildcat general strike ever, and the largest general strike to date which brought the economy of an advanced industrial country to a virtual standstill.[1] It commenced with a series of student occupation protests. The strike involved 11,000,000 workers, over 22% of the total population of France at the time, for a continuous two weeks,[1] and its impact was such that it almost caused the collapse of President Charles de Gaulle's government. In staging wildcat strikes, the movement contrasted with the trade unions and the French Communist Party, which began to side with the de Gaulle government.[1]


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