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Mammoth Hot Springs

View on map:44.966940°N 110.712220°W


Minerva Terrace
44.970802°N 110.704897°W

Minerva Terace
44.970872°N 110.704902°W

Minerva Terrace
44.970783°N 110.704886°W

Minerva Terrace
44.970812°N 110.704889°W

Looking down on the parking.

Fossilized trees
44.970626°N 110.704374°W

The trees have been encased in travertine at their base.

Minerva Terrace Trail
44.970557°N 110.704079°W

Fossilized tree encased in travertine at their base.

Minerva Terrace Trail
44.970461°N 110.704165°W

View of terrace from below.

Bacteria along the Minerva Terrace Trail
44.970620°N 110.704425°W

Fossilized trees
44.970519°N 110.704309°W

The trees have become encased in travertine at their base.

Mammoth Hot Springs is known for its fabulous flowing terraces.


Mammoth Hot Springs

Mammoth Hot Springs is a large complex of hot springs on a hill of travertine in Yellowstone National Park adjacent to Fort Yellowstone and the Mammoth Hot Springs Historic District. It was created over thousands of years as hot water from the spring cooled and deposited calcium carbonate (over two tons flow into Mammoth each day in a solution). Although these springs lie outside the caldera boundary, their energy has been attributed to the same magmatic system that fuels other Yellowstone geothermal areas.


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