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Housesitter (1992) Wayside Inn grist mill

View on map:42.356869°N 71.469031°W


42.356893°N 71.468945°W

Steve Martin, Donald Moffat, Goldie Hawn, and Julie Harris walk in front of the Longfellow Wayside Inn Grist Mill.

Longfellow Grist Mill
42.356946°N 71.469133°W

at the Wayside Inn

Steve Martin, Donald Moffat, Goldie Hawn, and Julie Harris walk in front of the Longfellow Wayside Inn Grist Mill.


Housesitter (film)

Housesitter is a 1992 romantic comedy film directed by Frank Oz, written by Mark Stein, and starring Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn. The premise involves a woman with con-artist tendencies who worms her way into the life of a reserved architect by claiming to be his wife.


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