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Fisherman's Bastion

View on map:47.502931°N 19.034575°E


Fishermans Bastion
47.503381°N 19.033609°E

The Bastion is to the right of the image. The Danube River is in the distance.

Fishermans Bastion
47.502859°N 19.034519°E
The walls of the bastion were originally built in the 1700s. They give a spectacular view of Budapest.


Fisherman's Bastion

The Halászbástya Hungarian pronunciation: [ˈhɒlaːsbaːʃcɒ] or Fisherman's Bastion is a terrace in neo-Gothic and neo-Romanesque style situated on the Buda bank of the Danube, on the Castle hill in Budapest, around Matthias Church. It was designed and built between 1895 and 1902 on the plans of Frigyes Schulek. Between 1947–48, the son of Frigyes Schulek, János Schulek, conducted the other restoration project after its near destruction during World War II.


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