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The Conrad-Caldwell House Museum

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St. James-Belgravia Historic District

The St. James-Belgravia Historic District, within Old Louisville, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972. It comprises St. James Court (north) and the Belgravia Court (south). It was the site of the Southern Exposition, and is bordered to the north by the scenic Central Park, a popular summer destination of Shakespeare in the Park patrons. The area is famous for the St. James Court Art Show that takes place the first weekend of October, and attracts thousands of visitors, artisans, and craftsmen. The Belgravia area features houses inspired by its namesake in London, England, and has no immediate street access, as it is a "walking court" with a green area instead of a street where the main entrances face.[3] It features two important houses: the Conrad-Caldwell House, and the Pink Palace.


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