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Embed the wikiplacemarks map into your website!


Map size
(you can specify in percentage or in pixels)
Show this placemark in the center of the map:
(you can check the placemark # on the top right corner of a placemark)
Placemark #:
Map center coordinates:
(you can change this by moving the preview window below)
Select map zoom level:
(you can change this by zooming the preview window below)
Select default placemark categories to show on the map:
(you can select multiple categories)
Disable twitter widget:
Hide category list:
Show my personal placemarks in the embedded map: You need to log in to use this option

Get the code:

Copy this code into your website:

This is how the map will look on your website:


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कृपया हमारे साथ अपने विचारों को साझा करें.

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