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Abbott, D. M. and Noe, D. C., 2016, The consequences of living with geology: A model field trip for the general public: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 355-376.
Adams, R. K., 2017, Pleistocene periglacial features of the Pittsburgh low plateau and upper Youghiogheny basin: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 46, p. 29-45.
A History of Britain (TV series)
Alexander, L. 2005, Biggest Brother: The Life of Major Dick Winters, The Man Who Led the Band of Brothers: American Library, 311p.
Andersen, D. W., Sarna-Wojcicki, A.M., and Sedlock, R. L., 2001, San Andreas Fault and Coastal Geology from Half Moon Bay to Fort Funston: Crustal Motion, Climate Change, and Human Activity: Stoffer, P.W. and Gordon, L. C., Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area; A Field-Trip Guidebook, USGS
Anderson, F., 2005, The War that Made America: A short History of the French and Indian War: Penguin Books, New York, 293p.
Atkinson, R., 2013, The Guns at Last Light: Henry Holt and Company, New York, 877p.
Atkinson, R. 2013, The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944 - 1945: Henry Holt and Company, New York, 877p.
Aubert, M., et al, 2014, Pleistocene cave art from Sulawesi, Indonesia: Nature, v. 514, p. 223.
Azorian: The Raising of the K-129
Bahn, P., 2014, The Archaeology of Hollywood: Traces of the Golden Age, Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, 166p.
Bahn, P., ed., 2008, The Great Archaeologists: Anness Publishing, London, 96p.
Bailey, C. M. et al. 2017, From Laurentia to Iapetus: Traversing the Blue Ridge-Piedmont terrane boundary in central Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 47, p. 59-75.
Baker, V. R., 2016, Pleistocene megaflood landscapes of the Channeled Scabland: The Geological Society of America Field Guide 41
Barkmann, P. E., et al., 2016, South Park, Colorado: The interplay of tectonics and sedimentation creates one of Colorado's crown jewels: Geol. Socd Guide 44, p. 151-190.
Barrett, P. M., 2012, Glock: The Rise of America’s Gun: Random House, New York, 237p.
Baseball (TV Series)
Battle of the Little Big Horn Map
Becoming Human: Nova (2009)
Beevor, A., 1998, Stalingrad: The Fateful Siege: Penguin Group, New York, 494p.
Berendt, J., 1994, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: First Vintage Books, New York, 386p.
Berg, A. S., 1998, Lindbergh, Berkley Books, New York, 628p.
Blum, H., 2009, American Lightning: Terror, Mystery, Movie-making, and the Crime of the Century: Thorndike Press, 509p.
Bonnichsen, B., et al. 2016, From land to Lake: Basalt and rhyolite volcanism in the western Snake River Plain, Idaho: Geol. Soc. Amer., Field Guide 41
Bowden, M. 1999, Black Hawk Down, Signet, New York, 486p.
Bowden, M., 2011, Worm: The First Digital World War: Atlantic Monthly Press, New York, 198p.
Bradley, J., 2003, Flyboys: Mass Market, New York, 585p.
Broecker, W. S., 2006. Was the Younger Dryas Triggered by a Flood?: Sci, v. 312, p. 1146.
Brown, D., 2012, The Fetterman Massacre: Open Road Media, 244p.
Brown, D. J., 2009, The Indifferent Stars Above: The Harrowing Saga of the Donner Party: Harper Collins, New York.
Brown, F. et al., 1985, Early Homo erectus skeleton from west Lake Trukan, Kenya: v. 116, p. 188
Bryson:,B., 2001, Neither Here nor There: Travels in Europe: William Morrow Paperbacks, 276p.
Bryson, B., 2012, A Walk in the Woods: Doubleday, 305p.
Bugliosi, Vincent and Gentry, Curt, 1974, Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders: Norton, New York, 687p.
Butler, D. A., 1998, Unsinkable: The Full Story of the RMS Titanic: Stackpole Books, 292p.
Carey, N. 2013, The Epigenetics Revolution: How Modern Biology is Rewriting our Understanding of Genetics, Disease and Inheritance, Icon Books, 320p.
Carter, M. W., et al., 2017, Geology along the Blue Ridge Parkway in Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 47, p. 1 - 58.
Chadwick, J., 1958, The Decipherment of Linear B: Cambridge, London, 164p.
Chagnon, N., 2013, Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes - The Yanomamo and the Anthropologists: Simon and Schuster, 531p.
Chang, I., 1998, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II: Penguin Books, New York, 290p.
Chicago: City of the Century
Combs, B. and Mitsoff, T., 2014, Bitcoin Decoded: Propellerhead Marketing Group, LLC, 86p.
Compston, W. and Pidgeon, R.T., 1986, Jack Hills, evidence of more very old detrital zircons in Western Australia: Nature, 321, 766.
Craig, M., 2005, The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King: Inside the Richest Poker Game of All Time: Warner Books, New York, 282p.
Cullen, D., 2009, Columbine: Hachette Book Group, New York, 441p.
Daniel, C. G. et al., 2016, Regional Al2SiO5 triple-point metamorphic rocks of northern New Mexico: A field trip to honor the career contributions of Lincoln Hollister to petrology and tectonics: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 201- 229.
Davud, S., 2015, Operation Thunderbolt: Flight 139 and the Raid on Entebbe Airport, The Most Audacious Hostage Rescue Mission in History: Little, Brown and Company, New York, 446p.
Dean, D. R., 1992, James Hutton an the History of Geology: Cornell Univ. Press, 303p.
Demeter, F. et. al, 2012, Anatomically modern human in Southeast Asia (Laos) by 46 ka: PNAS, v. 109, p. 14375–14380
Dennis, A.J., 2016, Structural analysis of the Kiokee belt and its framing elements: Savannah River transect: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 42, p. 37-51.
Dicka, A. B., 2012, 101 American Geo-sites you've gotta see: Mountain Press Publishing Co., 250p.
Dinosaur 13
Doctor, D. H., 2017, Karst of the Mid-Atlantic region in Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 40, p. 425-484.
Dolnick, E., 2001, Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell’s 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon: HarperCollins Publishers, New York, 367p.
Dolnick, E., 2010, The Rescue Artist: A True Story of Art, Thieves, and the Hunt for a Missing: HarperColins, 318p.
Druett, J., 2004, In the Wake of Madness: The Murderous Voyage of the Whaleship Sharon, Algonquin Books
Drury, B. and Clavin, T., 2013, The Heart of Everything That is: The Untold Story of Red Cloud, An American Legend: Simon & Schuster, New York, 432p.
Duncan, D. E., 1995, Hernando de Soto: A Savage Quest in the Americas: Crown Publishing, New York, 570p.
Durant, W., 2012, Story of Philosophy: Simon & Schuster, 432p.
EchoHawk, B. and Kackstaetter, U., 2016, Roadside faults, folds, fossils, crystals, and diamond pipes - Sampling the geologic diversity of northern Colorado: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 247-266.
Ehrman, B. D., 2005, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why: Harper Colins, New York, 201p
English, T. J., 2015, Where the Bodies are Buried: Whitey Bulger and the World that Made Him: William Morrow, New York, 438p.
Fagan. B.M., 2005, A Brief History of Archawilogy: Classical Times to the Twenty-First Century: Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 278p.
Fainaru-Wada, M. and Fainaru, S., 2013, League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions, and the Battle for Truth: Crown Archetype, 423 p.
Farago, L., 1964, Patton: Ordeal and Triumph: Westholme, Yardley, PA, 885p.
FDR: American Experience (TV Series)
Foote, S., 1958, The Civil War, A narrative: Fort Sumter to Perryville: First Vintage Books, New York, 936p.
Fountain, H., 2017, The Great Quake: Crown, 277p.
Gladwell, M., 2009, What the Dog Saw and Other Adventures: Back Bay Books, New York, 410p.
Gladwell, M., 2013, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants: Little Brown, New York, 305p.
Gleick, J., 2003, Isaac Newton: First Vintage Books, New York, 272p.
Goldsmith, J., 2019, In Hoffa's Shadow: A Stepfather, a Disappearance in Detroit, and My Search for the Truth: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York, 354p.
Gordon, W. A., 2002, The Ultimate Hollywood Tour Book, North Ridge Books, Lake Forest, CA, 272 p.
Gowans, Fred R. 1985. Rocky Mountain Rendezvous: A History of the Fur Trade Rendezvous 1825-1840. Layton, UT: Peregrine Smith Books.
Grann, D., 2017, Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI: Random House LLC, 354p.
Graymer, R. W., 2001, A Geologic Excursion to the East San Francisco Bay Area: Stoffer, P. W. and Gordon, L. C., eds., Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area; A Field-Trip Guidebook, USGS
Graysmith, R., 2007, Zodiac: Penguin, New York, 355p.
Greenblatt, S., 2011, The Swerve: How the World Became Modern: Norton, New York, 356p.
Guipert, G., et al., 2011, A late Middle Pleistocene hominid: Biache-Saint-Vaast 2, North France: Comptes Rendus Palevol, v. 10, p. 21-33
Gustafson, C.E., Gilbow, D.W., and Daugherty, R.D., 1979, The Manis Mastodon Site: Early Man on the Olympic Peninsula: Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal: No. 3, pp. 157-164
Gwynne, S. C., 2010, Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian: Simon & Schuster, New York, 371p.
Hagadorn, J. W., et al., 2016, The Permian-Triassic transition in Colrado: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, P. 73-92.
Harari, Y. N., 2015, apiens: A Brief History of Humankind, HARVILL SECKER, 416p.
Harden, R., Stenner, H., and Blatz, I., 2001, The Calaveras and San Andreas Faults In and Around Hollister: Stoffer, P. W. and Gordon, L. C., eds., Geology and Natural History of the San Francisco Bay Area; A Field-Trip Guidebook, USGS
Harding, L., 2014, The Snowden Files: The Inside Story of the World's Most Wanted Man: Vintage, 352p.
Harvard Beats Yale 29 to 29
Hastings, A. K. and Dooley, A. C., 2017, Fossil-collecting from the middle Miocene Carmel Church Quarry marine ecosystem in Caroline County, Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 47, p. 77-88
Hill, C., and McCubbin, L., 2012, Mrs. Kennedy and Me: Gallery Books, New York, 323p.
Hillman 1000 Wonders
Hochschild, A., 1998, King Leopold’s Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa: First Mariner Books, New York, 392p.
Hoig, S., 2013, Came Men on Horses: The Conquistador Expeditions of Francisco Vásquez de Coronado and Don Juan de Onate, University Press of Colorado. 352p.
Holland, T., 2003, Rubicon: The Last Years of the Roman Republic: Anchor Books, New York, 408p.
Houseton, K., 2013, An Introduction to Art Criticism: Histories, Strategies, Voices: Pearson, 343p.
Houston, K., 2013, An Introduction to Art Criticism: Histories, Strategies, Voices: Pearson, 343p.
Hunt, P., 2007, Ten Discoveries that Rewrote History: Penguin, New York, 226p.
In the Footsteps of Vienna’s Famous Musicians
Isaacson, W., 2018, Leonardo Da Vinci: Simon and Schuster, 599p.
Jackson, S., 2013, Monster: Pinnacle Books, 542p.
Jacobsen, A., 2019, Surprise, Kill, Vanish, Little, Brown, 545 p.
Jänecke, S., et al., 2018, Durmid ladder structure and its implications for the nucleation sites of the next M >7.5 earthquake on the San Andreas fault or Brawley seismic zone in southern California, Geol. Soc. Am., Lithosphere
Jennings, K., 2007, Brainiac: Adventures in the Curious, Competitive, Compulsive World of Trivia Buffs: Villiard, 299p.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Johnson, S., 2008, The Invention of Ait: A story of science, faith, revolution, and the birth of America: Riverhead Books, 254p.
Johnson, S., 2014, How We Got to Now: Six Innovations that made the World Modern: Riverhead Books, 293p.
Johnson, S., 2016, Wonderland: How Play Made the Modern World: Riverhead Books, 332p.
Johnson, Steven, 2006, The Ghost Map: The Story of London's Most Terrifying Epidemic – and How it Changed Science, Cities and the Modern World: Riverhead Books, New York, 299p.
Jones, J. H., 1997, Alfred C. Kinsey a Life: Norton Paperback, New York, 937p.
Jones, T., 2007, Barbarians: An Alternative Roman History: BBC Books, 320p.
Kaku, M., 2014, he Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind, Doubleday, New York, 367p.
Keller, G., et. al, 1994, Field Guide to the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary Sections in Northeastern Mexico: LPI Contribution No.827
Kelly, R. L. and Thomas, D. H., 2017, Archaeology, 7th edition, Cengage Learning, 402p.
Kensington, J., 2013, The First Americans: Popular Archaeology, Discovery
Kilmeade, B. and Taeger, D., 2013, George Washington's Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution: Sentinel, New York, 235p.
Kindler, G. 1998, Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea: Grove Press, New York, 509p.
Kluger, Richard, 1997, Ashes to Ashes: America’s Hundred Year War, the Public Health, and the Unabashed Triumph of Philip Morris: First Vintage Books, New York, 811p.
Knight, P., 2016, Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike, New York, Simon and Schuster, 401p.
Kolbert, E., 2014, The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History: Henry Holt & Company, New York, 319p.
Kolker, R., 2013, Lost Girls: An Unsolved American Mystery: Harper, 399p.
Krajick, K., 1994, The great Canadian diamond rush: Discover Magazine, Nov.
Krakauer, J., 1997, Into Thin Air: First Anchor Books, New York, 333p.
Krakauer, J., 2003, Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith: First Anchor Books, New York, 399p.
Krakauer, J., 2009, Where Men Win Glory: First Anchor Books, New York, 450p.
Kyle, C., McEwen, S., and DeFelice, J., 2012, American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History: HarperCollins, New York, 289p.
Larse, D. and Lipman, P., 2016 Exploring the ancient volcanic and lacustrine environments of the Oliocene Creed caldera and environs, San Juan Mountains, Colorado, Geo. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 1 - 40
Larson, E., 2004: Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory: Modern Library Chronicles Book, 337p.
Larson, E., 2006, Thunderstruck: Broadway Paperbacks, New York, 463p.
Larson, E., 2011, In the Garden of Beasts: Crown Publishing, New York,
Larson, E., 2015, Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania: Crown/Archetype, New York, 442p.
Laumer, F., 1995, Dade’s Last Command: University of Florida, Gainesville, 285p.
LBJ: The American Experience
Lebovitz, D., 2009, The Sweet Life in Paris: House Company, New York, 279p.
Levitt, S. and Dubner, S., 2015, When to Rob a Bank LP: ...and 131 More Warped Suggestions and Well-Intended Rants: HarperCollins, 274 p.
Levy, B., 2011, River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana's Legendary Voyage of Death and Discovery Down the Amazon: Bantam, New York, 324p.
Lewis and Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery
Lewis, M., 2000, The New New Thing: Penguin Books, New York, 266p.
Lewis, M. 2014, Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt: W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 288p.
Loope, D. et al., 2016, Sandstones and Utah's canyon country: Deposition, diagenesis, exhumation, and landscape evolution: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 41 - 71.
Lorenz, R., 2014, Rocks of ages: New Scientist, v. 223, p. 39.
Macintyre, B., 2011, The Napoleon of Crime: The Life and Times of Adam Worth, Master Thief: Broadway Books, 371p.
Macintyre, B., 2012, Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies: Braodway, 399p.
MacQuarrie, K., 2008, The Last Days of the Incas, Simon and Schuster, New York
Markoff, J. 2015, Machine of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots: HarperCollins Publishers
McCullough, D., 1972, The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge: Simon and Schuster, New York.
McCullough, D., 2001, John Adams: Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, New York, 751p.
McCullough, D., 2006, 1776: Simon and Schuster, 400p.
McCullough, D., 2015, The Wright Brothers: Simon and Schuster, New York, 320p.
McCullough, D., 2019, The Pioneers: Simon and Schuster, New York, 331p.
McGaugh, S., 2013, Surgeon in Blue: Jonathan Letterman, the Civil War Doctor Who Pioneered Battlefield Care , Skyhorse Publishing, 301p.
McNamara, M., 2018, I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search fro the Golden State Killer, New York, Harper, 475p.
Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance
Messenger, A., 2019, The Twenty-Ninth Day: Blackstone: Ashland, Or, 271 p.
Mezrich, B., 2019, Bitcoin Billionaires: A True Story of Genius, Betrayal, and Redemption: Flatiron Books, New York, 276
Michel, L. and Herbeck, D., 2001, American Terrorist: Timothy McVeigh & the Oklahoma City Bombing: HarperCollins, 426p.
Millard, C., 2011, Destiny of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine, and the Murder of a President: Doubleday, New York, 350p.
Montefiore, S., 2011, Jerusalem: the Birography: Vintage Books, New York, 650p.
Morris, Edmund, 1973, The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt: Ballantine Books, New York, 886p.
Mukherjee, S., 2016, The Gene: An Intimate History: Scribner, 592p.
Naifeh, S. W. and Smith, G. W., 2011, Van Gogh: The Life: Random House Digital Inc., 953p.
Norton, C., 1995, Disturbed Ground, HarperColins, New York, 393p.
NOVA Arctic Ghost Ship
NOVA: The Spy Factory: Nova
Obmascik, M., 2019, The Storm on Our Shores: Atria Books, New York, 236p.
Ollestad, N., 2009, Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival: HarperCollnes Publisher, New York, 272p.
Olsen, J., 1969, Night of the Grizzlies: Homestead Pub., 155p.
Olsen, J., 1989, "Doc": The Rape of the Town of Lovell, Dell, 488p.
Padovanic, E. R. and Tracy, R. J. 1981, A pyrope-spinel (alkremite) xenolith from Moses Rock Dike: first known North American occurrence: Am. Mineral., v. 66, p. 741-745.
Philbrick, N., 2000, In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex: Penguin Books, 301p.
Philbrick, N., 2003, Sea of Glory: America's Voyage of Discovery The U.S. Exploring Expedition: Penquin, New York, 452p.
Philbrick, N., 2006, Mayflower: Penguin Books, New York, 463p.
Philbrick, N., 2010, The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Big Horn: Viking, New York, 466p.
Philbrick, N., 2017, Valiant Ambition: George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the Fate of the American Revolution: Penguin Books, New York, 448p.
Pierce, J. Kingston and Bodett, T., 1997, America’s Historic Trails: Small World Productions, San Francisco, 260p.
Pitman, C., 2014, Oh, Florida: St. Martin's Press, New York, 320 p.
Pounstone, W., 2005, Fortune's Formula: The Untold Story of the Scientific Betting System that Beat the Casinos and Wall Street: Hill and Wang, New York, 386p.
Press, F. and Siever, R., 1974, 1978, Earth, W. h. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 649p.
Preston, D. and Spezi, M., 2008, The monster of Florence: A true story: Grand Central Publishing, New York, 322p.
Pritchard, C. J. and Cebula, L., 2016, Geologic and anthropogenic history of the Palouse Falls area: Floods, fractures, clastic dikes, and the receding falls: Geological Society of America Field Guide 41, p. 75-92.
Quanmmen, D., 2012, The Chimp and the River: W. W. Norton and Company, New York, 174p.
Queen, W., 2006, Under and Alone: Ballantine Books, 260p.
Raine, A., 2013, The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime: Pantheon Books, 478p.
Rawicz, S., 1997, The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom: Lyons Press, Guilford, CT, 277p.
Reidel, S. P., et al., 2016, The Columbia River Basalt Group of western Idaho and eastern Washington - Dikes, vents, flows, and tectonics along the eastern margin of the flood basalt province: Geol. Soc. Am. Fied Trip 41, p. 127- 150.
Reid, T. R., 2001, The Chip: Random House, New York, 309p.
Rick Steves
Ridley, M., 2010, The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves: Harper
Robertson, C., 2019, The Trial of Lizzie Borden: Simon and Schuster, New York, 375p.
Rudwick, M. J. S., 2014, The Earth's Deep History: How it was Discovered and why it Matters: Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 331p.
Rudy Maxa's World
Ruleman, C. A. et al., 2016, Geomorphic evolution of the Sn Luis Basin and Rio Grande in southern Colorado and northern New Mexico: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 44, p. 291-333.
Schmidt, K. L., et al., 2016, Mesozoic tectonics west of the accretionary boundary in west-central Idaho: A road log along U.S. Highway 95 between Moscow and New Meadows, Idaho: Geol. Soc. Am., Field Guide 41, p. 175-209.
Schneider, P., 2007, Brutal Journey: Cabeza de Vaca and the Epic First Crossing of North America: Holt, New York, 366p.
Sears, J. W. et al., 2016, Transect across the northeastern margin of the Mesoproterozoic Belt Basin and Lewis thrust, Glacier National Park, Montana: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Gude 44, p. 231 - 245.
Sears, S. W., 2003, Gettysburg: First Mariner Books, New York, 623p.
Shapiro, Beth, 2015, How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction: Princeton Univ. Press, 207p.
Sheehan, N., 1988, A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam: Random House, New York, 861p.
Shermer, M., 2015, The Moral Arc: How Science Makes Us Better People, Henry Holt and Co., 633p.
Sides, H., 2001, Ghost Soldiers: The Epic Account of the World War II's Greatest Rescue Mission: First Anchor Books, New York, 344p.
Sides, H., 2004, Americana: Dispatches from the New Frontier: Anchor Books, New York, 450P.
Sides, H., 2006, Blood and Thunder: The Epic Story of Kit Carson and the Conquest of the American West: First Anchor Books, New York, 578p.
Sides, H., 2014, In the Kingdom of Ice: The Grand and Terrible Polar Voyage of the USS Jeannette: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 480p.
Sides, Hampton, 2010, Hellhound on his Trail: The Electrifying Account of the Largest Manhunt in American History: First Anchor Books, New York, 483p.
Silver, V., 2009, The Lost Chalice: The Epic Hunt for a Priceless Masterpiece, HarperCollins Publishers, 278p.
Sloan, P. and Aravena, A., 2012, NY Chess Since 1972: A Guide Book Of Places To Go And People You Will See Around NY Chess (Volume 1). CreateSpace
Smith, C. C., 1997, The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Moscow Landing, west-central Alabama: Geological Survey of Alabama, Reprint series 112
Spilling, M., 2010, Battles that Changed History: Key Battles that Decided the Fate of Nations: Amber Books, London, 448p.
Stanton, D., 2001, In Harm’s Way: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the Extraordinary Story of Its Survivors: Henry Holt, New York, 329p.
Stark, P., 2014, Astoria: John Jacob Astor and Thomas Jefferson's Lost Pacific Empire: A Story of Wealth, Ambition, and Survival: Ecco, 362p.
Steves, R., 2014, Best of Europe 2015: Perseus Books Group, Berkeley, 1385p.
Strayed, C., 2012, Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail: Alfred A. Knoph, 343p.
Swezey, C. S., et al., 2017, Geologic controls on cave development in Burnsville Cove, Bath and Highland Counties, Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 47, p. 89-123.
Tattersall, I., 2015, The Strange Case of the Rickety Cossack and other Cautinary Tales from Human Evolution: Palgrae Macmillan, 244p.
Taubman, W., 2003, Khrushchev: The Man and His Era: Norton Paperback, New York, 871p.
Taylor, M., 2011, Jaws: Memories from Martha's Vineyard: Titan Books, London, 310p.
THe Death of Che Guevara Declassified
The Greeks - Crucible of Civilization
The Movies that Made Us (2019) Netflix
The National Parks: America's Best Idea
Thomas, G., 1995, 2007, Gideon’s Spies: The secret history of the Mossad: Thomas Dunne Books, New York, 616p.
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Toobin, J., 2008, The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 452p.
Toobin, J., 2012, A Vast Conspiracy: The Real Story of the Sex Scandal That Nearly Brought Down a President : Random House, New York, 446p.
Toobin, J. 2016, American Heiress: The Wild Saga of the Kidnapping, Crimes and Trial of Patty Hearst: Doubleday, New York, 371p.
Triumph of the Nerds
Ultrasuede: In Search of Halston (2010)
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