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Mesoproterozoic biotite-bearing granitoid intruded by alkalic mafic dikes

View on map:37.844600°N 78.823000°W


The granitoid exposed here is basement rock in the Blue Ridge Complex.  The rock contains PL + Kf + qtz + Bi with accessory  Mu + titanite and rare garnet.  Two alkali mafic dikes with steep dips intrude the granitoid.  The dikes contain Bi + PL + Am + titanite + epidote + qtz.  The dikes are believed to be emplaced during tensional rifting that failed during the pre-Iapetus rifting. Stop 1-1 Bailey et al. 


  • Page 65 - Bailey, C. M. et al. 2017, From Laurentia to Iapetus: Traversing the Blue Ridge-Piedmont terrane boundary in central Virginia: Geol. Soc. Am. Field Guide 47, p. 59-75.
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