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Original Wasco County Courthouse

View on map:45.603632°N 121.188554°W


Photograph showing a front view of the Original Wasco County Courthouse, a two-story, wood-frame building with horizontal wooden siding beneath a peaked roof. An exterior stairway leads up the right side of the building, and a covered porch extends across the width of the front of the ground floor. The main doors are centered on the porch and a large sign hangs at the center-front of the porch reading: "Wasco County 1859 / ORIGINAL COURT HOUSE / 401 West Second Place".

The Original Wasco County Courthouse is a historic former courthouse, located in The Dalles, Oregon, United States. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places under the name First Wasco County Courthouse, and is also listed as a contributing resource in the National Register-listed Trevitt's Addition Historic District.


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