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San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán

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San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán

Otherwise known, as the mother culture of Mesoamerica the Olmecs dominated the gulf coast lowlands of the modern day states of Tabasco and Veracruz. Within the many Olmec sites in the region, El Manati, San Lorenzo, La Venta and Tres Zapotes stand out in the archaeological record as socially and politically complex Olmec sites. San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán (or San Lorenzo) is the collective name for three related archaeological sites—San Lorenzo, Tenochtitlán and Potrero Nuevo—located in the southeast portion of the Mexican state of Veracruz. Along with La Venta and Tres Zapotes, it was one of the three major cities of the Olmec (it was the major center of Olmec culture from 1200 BCE to 900 BCE). San Lorenzo Tenochtitlán is best known today for the colossal stone heads unearthed there, the greatest of which weigh 28 tons or more and are 3 meters high.


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