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1911 Michoacán earthquake

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1911 Michoacán earthquake

1911 Michoacán earthquake is located in Mexico

The 1911 Michoacán earthquake occurred on June 7, 1911 at 11:02 UTC. However, other sources indicated that this earthquake occurred at 04:26 local time.[4] The epicenter was located near the coast of Michoacán, Mexico. The earthquake had a magnitude of Mw 7.6.[5] 45 people were reported dead.[6] In Mexico City, 119 houses were destroyed.[7] Cracks were reported in Palacio Nacional, Escuela Normal para Maestros, Escuela Preparatoria, Inspección de Policía, and Instituto Geológico.[8] Ciudad Guzmán, the seat of Zapotlán el Grande, Jalisco, suffered great damage.[9]


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