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Na Pali Coast from a boat

View on map:22.172781°N 159.675293°W


Na Pali Coast offshore
22.171668°N 159.675465°W
The Na Pali Coast offshore is spectacular about in the location here. 


Nā Pali Coast State Park

The Nā Pali Coast State Park encompasses 6,175 acres (2,499 ha) of land and is located in the center of the rugged 16 miles (26 km) along the northwest side of Kauaʻi, the oldest inhabited Hawaiian island. The Nā Pali coast itself extends southwest starting at Keʻe Beach extending all the way to Polihale State Park. The na pali (high cliffs) along the shoreline rise as much as 4,000 feet (1,200 m) above the Pacific Ocean. The state park was formed to protect the Kalalau Valley.


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