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Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

View on map:37.787780°N 111.629440°W


Large piece of petrified wood in Escalante Petrified Forest State Park

Escalante Petrified Forest State Park is a state park of Utah, USA, located just outside the town of Escalante. In 1954 Wide Hollow Reservoir was constructed to provide irrigation for the town of Escalante. The reservoir is stocked with rainbow trout and bluegill, and is popular for water sports including swimming, boating and fishing. A visitor center was built in 1991, and features displays of plant and marine fossils, petrified wood and fossilized dinosaur bones over 100 million years old. The Petrified Forest Trail is a one-mile loop, winding through lava flows and thousands of pieces of petrified wood. The Sleeping Rainbows trail is an optional .75-mile (1.21 km) loop off the Petrified Forest Trail. This section is much steeper and requires scrambling and climbing over rocks.


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