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Nevados de Chillán volcanic group

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Nevados de Chillán

Nevados de Chillán is a group of stratovolcanoes located in the Andes of the Bío Bío Region, Chile, and is one of the most active volcanoes in the region. It consists of three overlapping peaks, 3,212 m (10,538 ft) Cerro Blanco (Volcán Nevado) at the northwest and 3,089 m (10,135 ft) Volcán Viejo (Volcán Chillán) at the southeast, with Volcán Nuevo in the middle. Volcán Viejo was the main active vent during the 17th-19th centuries, and the new Volcán Nuevo lava dome complex formed between 1906 and 1945, eventually growing to exceed Viejo in height by the mid 1980s.


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