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Art Gallery of Peterborough

View on map:44.294720°N 78.317639°W


The Art Gallery of Peterborough is a free admission, non-profit public art gallery in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, a registered charity that depends on the support of its members. It was founded in 1974 by an independent board of volunteers. In 1977 it was given the Foster House by the City of Peterborough, a historical residence set in parkland beside Little Lake. In 1979 The gallery expanded to its current size of 11,000 square feet (1,000 m) with the construction of its modernist wing designed by Crang & Boake architects. The collection presently numbers over 1,300 pieces. In addition to its permanent collection and exhibitions, the gallery offers many educational programs for adults and children. There is also a gift shop featuring a variety of works by local and national artisans.


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