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The Emerald Forest (1985) Twickenham Studios

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Some of the scenes were filmed here at Twickenham Studios.


The Emerald Forest
The Emerald Forest is a 1985 British adventure drama film set in the Brazilian Rainforest, directed by John Boorman, written by Rospo Pallenberg, and starring Powers Boothe, Meg Foster, and Charley Boorman with supporting roles by Rui Polanah, Tetchie Agbayani, Dira Paes, Estee Chandler, and Eduardo Conde. It is allegedly based on a true story, although some dispute this. The film was screened out of competition at the 1985 Cannes Film Festival.[1] In promoting the film for awards competition, Boorman created the first Oscar screeners, but the film received no Academy Award nominations.[2]


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