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Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine Project

View on map:63.434440°N 109.186110°W


The Gahcho Kué Diamond Project is located on the Canadian tundra in the Northwest Territories. It is situated at Kennady Lake (63°26′04″N 109°11′10″W), in the Akaitcho Treaty 8 Territory AK[1] claim block, which is 85 km (53 mi) southeast of the Snap Lake Diamond Mine Project and approximately 280 km (170 mi) east northeast of Yellowknife.[1] The site is served by an ice runway, Gahcho Kue Aerodrome, and a spur of theTibbitt to Contwoyto Winter Road from Lupin Mine.[1] the main camp is at 63°26′05″N 109°12′02″W, north of the ice strip, with a smaller site at 63°25′48″N 109°12′00″W, south of the runway.


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