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Pilgrims Spring

View on map:42.056180°N 70.102715°W


On Nov. 16, 1620, Miles Standish, military commander of the Mayflower set out to explore the area with 16 men while the Mayflower was docked in the Provincetown Harbor area. They were following Indians they had spotted and here is the first place they drank fresh water.


Pilgrims (Plymouth Colony)

Pilgrims (US), or Pilgrim Fathers (UK), is a name commonly applied to early settlers of the Plymouth Colony in present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts, United States. Their leadership came from the religious congregations of Brownist English Dissenters who had fled the volatile political environment in the East Midlands of England for the relative calm and tolerance of 16th–17th century Holland in the Netherlands. Concerned with losing their cultural identity, the group later arranged with English investors to establish a new colony in North America. The colony, established in 1620, became the second successful English settlement (after the founding of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607) and later the oldest continuously inhabited British settlement in what was to become the United States of America. The Pilgrims' story of seeking religious freedom has become a central theme of the history and culture of the United States.


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