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Moscow Power Engineering Institute

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Moscow Power Engineering Institute

Moscow Power Engineering Institute (National Research University) is one of the largest institutions of its kind, and is one of the leading technical universities in the world in the area of power engineering, electronics and IT. It is located in Moscow, Russia, and was founded in 1930. In Russian Federation the education in universities is available in Russian medium only. Therefore, before the main education courses would start, the foreign applicants to university courses should pass the Preliminary course for training in Russian language, followed by the State Test in Russian language (called Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language – TORFL). Fifteen years ago MPEI (as one of few such Russian universities) launched the program of education for foreign students in English medium, however in only one specialty – Computer Engineering. MPEI invested considerate time and resources into this program, they selected a group of leading professors who spoke English fluently, who in turn prepared the educational materials in English. Now MPEI accepts annually one full group of foreign students who speak English fluently for this IT educational program in English Language. All classes here are provided in English, hence the students in this program do not require the preliminary training in Russian language, i.e. the educational period becomes one year shorter. The annual tuition fee for this program however is more expensive, since this program is conducted in English, unlike the rest of the programs.


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